14 Hours of Recorded Lectures
Exclusively Curated Study Materials
180+ Problem-based Mock Questions
Prerecorded Sessions in a Live Environment
Group Discussions Through Discord
Mocks in Simulated Exam-Based Settings
Pharmaceutical Calculations is a fundamental course designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical formulas and calculations essential for pharmacy practice.
This course emphasises the development of quantitative skills necessary for accurate compounding, dosing, dispensing, and administration of medications in various healthcare settings.
Through theoretical instruction, practical applications, and hands-on exercises, students will gain proficiency in pharmaceutical calculations and enhance their ability to ensure medication safety and efficacy.
This course can help you get imminent knowledge about calculations in pharmacy to help clear exams like KAPS, PEBC, DHA and more.
KAPS Exam Aspirants- Pharmacists who want to get registered in Australia by clearing the KAPS exam.
PEBC Exam Aspirants- Global pharmacists who wish to set up practice in Canada by clearing the PEBC exam.
DHA Exam Aspirants- Pharmacists trying to clear the DHA exam to get registered in Dubai.
Global pharmacists preparing for any other pharmacy exam.
Students and professionals looking to strengthen their knowledge of Pharmaceutical Calculations.
Students will develop a solid foundation in Biopharmaceutical formulas and ratios which are essential for performing pharmaceutical calculations accurately.
Students will learn to calculate drug dosages and formulations for different dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, solutions, suspensions, and injectables.
Students will acquire skills to calculate proper medication dosages based on patient factors such as age, weight, body surface area, and renal function, minimising the risk of medication errors.
Students will apply pharmacokinetic concepts to calculate drug concentrations, elimination rates, half-lives, and dosing intervals, optimising therapeutic outcomes and minimising adverse effects.
Students will learn several calculations in pharmacy, including drug concentrations, dilutions, and reconstitutions for various pharmaceutical preparations, ensuring proper medication strength and stability.
Students will gain proficiency in compounding calculations for extemporaneous preparations, including calculations involving percentages, ratios, and dilutions, adhering to compounding standards and guidelines.
Students will become proficient in converting between different units of measurement commonly used in pharmacy practice, including metric, apothecary, and household measurements.
Students will develop problem-solving skills to tackle complex pharma calculations involving allegation, isotonicity, osmolarity, and parenteral nutrition, fostering critical thinking and analytical abilities
Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
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