08 Sep 2024

Chandigarh Event : MedConnect with Dr. Akram

About The Event

Dr. Akram Ahmad is making Chandigarh the first stop in his healthcare empowerment journey! MedConnect with Dr. Akram will hold its first event in Chandigarh, with the aim of mentoring, guiding, and supporting healthcare professionals of northern India in their overseas registration and migration dreams. 

Registration Details

MedConnect is a way for Dr. Akram Ahmad to connect with guidance-seeking healthcare workers and empower his dream of giving back to his community by helping as many Indian healthcare professionals as possible. 

Considering this, the registration for MedConnect Events happening across the country is absolutely FREE

However, we suggest you register for the event ASAP, as the slots are limited and filling up quickly! 

Why Attend MedConnect?

Medconnect is an exclusive chance for you to procure- 

  • Engaging conversations diving into global healthcare careers
  • Q&A session with Dr. Akram for real questions and insightful answers
  • Personalise guidance catering to your goals
  • Goodies and handouts from Academically
  • Discounts, offers and scholarships
  • A chance to build a global network of like-minded professionals

About MedConnect with Dr. Akram

MedConnect with Dr. Akram is a series of events organised by Dr. Akram and Academically to connect with Indian healthcare professionals. The event is another step in the organisation's agenda of helping Indian and global healthcare professionals set up highly rewarding careers for themselves. The event will be conducted in four Indian cities: Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Pune, and Cochin. Stay tuned with Academically for more details about the event.

Dr. Akram Ahmad
Dr. Akram Ahmad
about the speaker

  • Dr Akram Ahmad is a pharmacist, researcher and educator who has taught in several universities across India, Malaysia and Australia.
  • He completed his B.Pharm and PharmD from India , post which he went on to complete his PhD from the University of Sydney.
  • Dr Akram is a renowned researcher and his research profile is amongst the top 5% at Research Gate.
  • He is the founder and CEO of Academically and a well-known career coach.
  • He possesses a vast experience of over 11 years of teaching and research, and currently, he helps pharmacists and other healthcare professionals migrate to Australia and other countries and get better jobs.