Become a Registered Pharmacist in Australia | Academically

From Pakistan to Australia: How to Become a Registered Pharmacist in Australia?

Jun 26, 2024 4 min read
Become a Registered Pharmacist in Australia

Key Takeaways: 

  • Australia offers diverse professional opportunities, a high quality of life, career progression, work-life balance, financial stability, cultural diversity, and safety.
  • Steps include documentation, assessment by the Australian Pharmacy Council, KAPS exam, English language proficiency test, and visa application.

Are you a Pakistani dreaming of building your pharmacy career in a beautiful country like Australia?

Dreams know no boundaries, and the pursuit of a career in pharmacy, fueled by a passion for healthcare, transcends geographical limitations. For Pakistani individuals harbouring aspirations of practising pharmacy in the land Down Under, the journey is not merely about crossing borders but about embracing great career opportunities and experiencing professional growth. While the path may seem daunting, armed with determination, resilience, and the right guidance, aspiring pharmacists can set foot into the Australian healthcare system and carve a fulfilling career path. In this blog, we will discuss the steps to becoming a registered pharmacist in Australia as a Pakistani. 

How to Become a Registered Pharmacist in Australia as a Pakistani?

You may be wondering how you can start your journey to Australia as a pharmacist. Here is everything you need to know. For reference, you can watch a video here.

Documentation Process

The first step is collecting all the required documents for verification. For this, you will need:

  • Degree Certificate
  • Consolidated Transcript
  • Category (or letter from the pharmacy council stating that you're eligible to work as a pharmacist)
  • Passport

Eligibility Check

Once the above-mentioned documents are prepared, you need to complete an assessment by the Australian Pharmacy Council. This can be done on the official website of the Australian Pharmacy Council. This process will determine your eligibility to enter the Australian healthcare system. The fee required for this assessment is PKR 2.5 lakhs. The result of this assessment will be received after two months.


The KAPS exam stands for the Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences. It is the gateway to Australia for international pharmacy graduates. The exam contains multiple-choice questions, and the passing score is 50%. It has two parts, both of which can be taken on the same day. The exam is designed in such a way that it thoroughly assesses your practical knowledge and clinical competence.

With the right guidance and preparation strategies, you can pass it on your first attempt. 

The KAPS exam can cost you around PKR 5 lakhs.

Where can you take this exam?

You can take it from your home country. The cities where KAPS exam centres in Pakistan are located are as follows,

  • Islamabad
  • Lahore
  • Karachi and surrounding areas

The KAPS exam results will be out in a month.

KAPS Exam Course
KAPS Exam Course

English Language Proficiency

Proficiency in English is essential for practising pharmacy in Australia. Applicants are usually required to demonstrate their English language proficiency by undertaking tests such as the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or the OET (Occupational English Test). This requirement must be met before applying for the visa.

Visa Application

Once you have cleared your KAPS exam and your English proficiency test, you can apply for a visa to move to Australia. Getting a visa can cost you around PKR 8-9 lakhs. The visa options are:

-Skilled Nominated Visa – subclass 190.
-Skilled Regional sponsored visa – subclass 489

The time taken to get your visa can vary depending on certain factors.

Why Should You Migrate to Australia as a Pharmacist?

Professional Opportunities: Australia offers a robust healthcare system with diverse opportunities for pharmacists across various settings, including community pharmacies, hospitals, research institutions, educational institutions, and government agencies. The demand for skilled healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, continues to grow in response to Australia's ageing population and evolving healthcare needs.

Quality of Life: Australia is renowned for its high standard of living, quality healthcare, excellent education system, and diverse cultural experiences. The country's stable political environment, low crime rates, and well-developed infrastructure contribute to a safe and comfortable lifestyle for migrants and their families.

Career Progression: The Australian healthcare system values professional development and recognises pharmacists' contributions to patient care. Pharmacists in Australia have opportunities for career advancement, specialisation, and leadership roles, with pathways for further education and professional accreditation.

Work-Life Balance: This is one of the most attractive benefits of the pharmacy field in Australia. Australia promotes a healthy work-life balance, with a focus on flexible work arrangements, paid leave entitlements, and supportive workplace cultures. Pharmacists can enjoy rewarding careers while also having time to pursue personal interests, hobbies, and leisure activities in Australia's scenic landscapes and vibrant cities.

Financial Stability: Pharmacists in Australia typically receive competitive salaries and benefits, with opportunities for overtime pay, bonuses, and career incentives. The country's strong economy, stable currency, and comprehensive social welfare system contribute to financial stability and security for migrants and their families.

Cultural Diversity: Australia is known for its multicultural society, welcoming people from diverse backgrounds and fostering social cohesion and inclusivity. Pakistani pharmacists can integrate into Australian communities, participate in cultural events, and celebrate their heritage while embracing new experiences and forging connections with people from around the world.

Quality Education for Children: Australia offers world-class education opportunities for children, including access to top-ranking schools, universities, and vocational training institutions. Migrant families can provide their children with a high-quality education and access to diverse learning experiences, preparing them for successful futures in a globalised world.

Safety and Security: Australia is recognised for its political stability, rule of law, and commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its residents. Migrants from Pakistan seeking a peaceful and secure environment for themselves and their families may find Australia an attractive destination.


Becoming a registered pharmacist in Australia as a Pakistani involves a systematic approach, dedication, and perseverance. By understanding the requirements, undergoing skills assessment, preparing for registration examinations, and embracing opportunities for professional development, Pakistani individuals can successfully embark on a fulfilling career in pharmacy in the land down under. With determination and the right support, the journey towards becoming a registered pharmacist in Australia is within reach.

To make your journey smoother, Academically has come up with a KAPS exam preparation course. 

The course, with its excellent study materials, trained experts in the field, and flexible learning, is a recipe for success. Fill up this form for a free one on one counselling session. 


Q: When does the KAPS exam take place?

Ans: It takes place three times a year: March, July, and November.

Q: What are the visa options for Pakistani pharmacists migrating to Australia?

Ans: Pakistani pharmacists can apply for visas such as the Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190) or the Skilled Regional Sponsored Visa (subclass 489) to migrate to Australia.

Q: How long does it take to receive the results of the KAPS exam?

Ans: The results of the KAPS exam are usually released within a month after the examination date.

Q: Is English language proficiency required to practise pharmacy in Australia?

Ans: Yes, proficiency in English is essential for practising pharmacy in Australia. Applicants are usually required to demonstrate their English language proficiency through tests such as IELTS or OET.

Nuha Mariyam
Nuha Mariyam
about the author

Nuha Mariyam has more than three years of experience in content writing. She strongly believes in the power of creativity and the impact that it makes. With a keen eye for detail and a love for words, Nuha specialises in creating engaging and informative content across various fields, including healthcare.