Top 10 Healthcare Courses In Ireland After Pharmacy Degree

Jul 08, 2024 3 min read
Healthcare Courses In Ireland

Are you a PharmD graduate feeling disheartened by the lack of job opportunities in India? Have you considered looking beyond the usual countries for career prospects? It's time to turn your attention to Ireland – a prime destination for advancing your education and professional growth. You can become a pharmacist in Ireland by doing higher studies and taking the PSI Equivalence Exam.

Did you know that nine of the ten largest pharmaceutical companies in the world are in Ireland? Additionally, pharmacists in Ireland earn an impressive average annual salary of €74,042 (around ₹6,681,120).

This blog will discuss Ireland's top 10 healthcare courses after a pharmacy degree.

Why Ireland?

Ireland stands out as an exceptional destination for furthering your education and career in healthcare for several compelling reasons:

Short duration of courses: Irish universities offer specialised programs that can be completed in just 1 to 1.5 years. 

Affordable tuition fees: With tuition fees ranging between €12,000 to €20,000, Ireland offers an excellent return on investment, given the quality of education and subsequent career opportunities.

Extended stay and career opportunities: Upon completing your studies, you are eligible for a 2-year post-study working visa in Ireland. This timeframe allows you to complete the registration process with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) and start your career as a pharmacist there.

Specialised Courses in Ireland for Pharmacists

Ireland offers various courses within the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Here are the top 10 healthcare courses you can pursue after completing your pharmacy degree:

Serial No.CoursesDescriptionUniversityDurationMode

MSc in Pharmaceutical Business Management 


The course helps students learn how to manage businesses and build leadership skills in the pharmaceutical industry, which has many regulations.


Griffith College


1.5 Years (Full-Time)/2 Years (Part-Time)





MSc in Pharmaceutical Business and Technology 


The course focuses on core competencies such as pharmaceutical processes and production, pharmaceutical business introduction & technology transfer, emerging trends, operational excellence (Lean & Six Sigma), regulatory affairs, data analytics, strategic thinking and leadership development.

Griffith College


1.5 Years (Full-Time)/2 Years (Part-Time)






MSc in Medical Device Technology & Business 


The course covers key areas including medical device classification, design cycle, manufacturing, quality systems, regulations, biocompatibility, operational excellence, lean sigma, emerging trends, measurement and analysis, strategic thinking, and professional development.

Griffith College


3 Semesters (1.5 Years) 


Full-Time / Blended Learning



MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences 


This course covers the basics and applications of discovering, developing, producing, and analysing drugs and drug products.

Trinity College Dublin


1 Year





Pharmaceutical Technology


This course is a continuation of the Higher Certificate in Science GMP & Technology. It aims to educate production, technical, and supervisory/managerial staff in the essential and practical aspects of Good Manufacturing Practice, core science, and production management. 

Technological University Dublin


1.5 Years





MSc in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs


The program helps current regulatory affairs professionals in the pharmaceutical industry understand all the latest diagnostic and medical device regulations. 

South-East Technological University


1 Year





MSc in Clinical Research


The course is designed to enhance the efficiency of translating medical discoveries into clinical practice. It targets qualified individuals aspiring to become independent clinical investigators or those seeking leadership roles in clinical research teams.

University of Galway


2 Years




Masters in Public Health


This program will equip you to investigate, evaluate, and tackle public health challenges, regardless of your professional background.

University College Cork


1 Year


Full -Time 



MSc in Clinical Pharmacy


This course is tailored for pharmacists working in healthcare settings who seek to improve their clinical pharmacy expertise and practical skills.

University College Cork


2 Years


Part -Time 



MSc in Hospital Pharmacy


In this course, students will acquire the specialised knowledge and skills required to engage in various facets of hospital pharmacy, such as clinical pharmacy, dispensary and drug distribution, administration and management, aseptic compounding, pharmacoeconomics, and medicines information. 

Trinity College Dublin


2 Year

Part-Time Hybrid Course


About the PSI Equivalence Exam

You can pursue these courses after taking the PSI Equivalence Exam from your home country. Since getting a student visa is easier than the work visa. 

The PSI Equivalence Exam assesses the pharmacist’s knowledge and credibility for working in Ireland. It consists of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) and an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE). 

The MCQ exam evaluates theoretical knowledge. It consists of 80 questions and lasts 2.5 hours, plus 15 minutes for reading. 

The OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) evaluates practical skills and clinical competency; you need to undertake two parts:

  • On Day 1, you will have a 40-minute written assessment consisting of 2 written OSCE stations, each lasting 20 minutes.
  • On Day 2, the assessment involves a verbal component lasting 60 minutes, comprising 6 OSCE stations. Each station includes a 7-minute duration, with 1 minute to read the question and 6 minutes to provide your answer.

Indian PharmD graduates are known for their strong subject knowledge and high success rate in the PSI exams. This is so because of the 6-year PharmD degree which is more preferred in Ireland as their subject matter overrides that of other competitors. 

The main challenge lies in the OSCE written and oral exams, but with proper preparation, like focusing on communication and interpersonal skills with OSCE videos or live demos would help in verbal OSCEs. Moreover, the most important part is knowing the subject matter and communicating it correctly rather than stressing over Irish standards of practise. 

Final Thoughts

Ireland is a promising land of opportunities for pharmacists. Whether it is higher studies or direct registration, the country has chances for PharmD graduates. Take advantage of the opportunity to enhance your professional journey. Consider Ireland for your career upliftment.

Join Academically’s PSI Equivalence Exam and grab the opportunity before it’s too late. If you want to know more about this exam or more, fill out this form to get one-on-one counselling with our experts!

Dr. Indu K
Dr. Indu K
about the author

Dr. Indu K is a dentist with one year of clinical experience. She seamlessly transitioned into content writing three years ago. Her passion lies in making complex medical information accessible to everyone. She uses her unique blend of medical knowledge and exceptional writing skills to bridge the gap between healthcare and the general audience.